What to Expect During COVID-19

What to Expect During COVID-19

During the time that we need to keep our loved ones safe, we will be taking the following precautions during the U-Pick season:

* Employees will be required to wear gloves for all cleaning, handling of buckets and exchange of money.

* Employees will be required to wear at least cloth face masks while working.

* Ground markers will be placed around the weighing stations to keep the required 6 feet distance between all customers.  We do expect to further split the paying lines to encourage even more space provided. 

* We will continue to have hand washing stations and hand sanitizers.  It is recommended to NOT sanitize before going out to pick however, but to do so after.  Hand sanitizer on the berries as you pick (and may even sample some yourself) makes the berries taste bad.  

* Any useable surfaces such as the mailing list and check writing station will be disinfected on a regular basis.

* We will continue to use the plastic bags inside of the buckets for ease of use and sanitation.  

Recommendations to all customers:

* If you are feeling ill, even a cough or common cold, it is highly encouraged to wait to visit the field to avoid spreading of any germs.

* We encourage all customers to wear gloves and cloth masks as well even while out picking.

* We do ask that you do not come and pick in groups larger than 10 people as you will be required to keep social distancing and be spaced out between the rows. The farm has always been a place to bring the family but this year we are being encouraged to limit the amount of people and ask that only those that are picking please come, children are encouraged to stay at home.  Hoping to return to a family gathering type u-picking farm next year.

* For sanitation reasons bathrooms will be available for emergencies only as we will not be able to wash after each use. 

We will currently monitor all best safety practices during the pandemic and provide continual communication not only on our website but on our social media as well.  Our hopes are that you are all staying safe and healthy during this time and we look forward to seeing your faces come July.  =) 

If you do happen to have any questions about anything listed above or something you do not see, please use the Contact Us form or the Chat feature.  We are always happy to hear from you. 

Thank you, 


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